In natural gardens there is always some task waiting to be done
In natural gardens there is always some task waiting to be done …

Gardening naturally
– do join in!

A natural garden typically encompasses a diversity of plants: varied and spectacular flowers and a range of functional, ornamental and native vegetation. It provides a habitat not only for us humans, but also for many birds, small mammals, insects, spiders, microorganisms and fungi that live both upon and within the soil.

A crucial task in natural gardening is nourishing the soil with compost to boost its fertility in a natural way. Healthy soil must offer plants a broad range of nutrients. These nutrients are provided either through minerals or organic matter like decaying leaves and roots, as well as compost.

However, to make the nutrients from this organic material available
to plant life, a complex process of disaggregation, breakdown and
conversion is needed. Countless minute creatures, microbes, fungi
and enzymes ceaselessly drive this process in a never-ending cycle.

We are accustomed to dividing animals and plants into two classes:
good or bad, beneficial organisms or pests, herbs or weeds.
To some extent this approach is warranted, since humans depend on food crops and must accordingly foster the one and curtail the other. But just as flowers depend on insects or the wind to pollinate them so they can reproduce, all living creatures are ensnared in a web of mutual interdependence. This network of food chains and biological cycles is the foundation of our sustenance.

A differentiated approach designed in accordance with nature’s laws can turn any garden into a useful biotope teeming with life.

We wish to encourage you to follow this path.
Do join in!

Heinz Stöckler

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