Stoeckler - Proven composting recipes from everyday practice
Proven composting recipes from everyday practice

composting recipes
from everyday practice

1. Kitchen and soft garden waste

Mix soft waste, which is often moist and squishy, with three or
four handfuls per layer of tree bark compost, shredded wood or,
failing that, with wood shavings. Then sprinkle three heaped teaspoons full of Bio-Composter flakes on top.

2. Lawn cuttings

Mix two parts of lawn cuttings with one part of woody matter. The most suitable materials are shredded wood, tree bark mulch or wood shavings. Then mix in four heaped tablespoons of Bio-Composter flakes for every 100 litres of composting matter.
Over the next 3 to 4 weeks again mix thoroughly and moisten
– the fresh compost is ready.

3. Tree and hedge cuttings

Grind tree and hedge cuttings evenly. Add about five tablespoons of Bio-Composter flakes to every 100 litres of shredded matter. Add plenty of water. After only 6-8 weeks you have still rather coarse fresh compost that is especially well-suited for mulch cover on flowerbeds and borders.

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