”Become your own fertiliser supplier.
Place your garden and kitchen waste in the
HANDY Thermo-Composter® – your own little
fertiliser mill – and sprinkle some Bio-Composter
flakes on it to convert it into crumbly, deep brown
fresh compost only a few weeks later.”
Your own little fertiliser mill
The HANDY Thermo-Composter® turns organic waste into nutritious plant food in record time. The air insulating its walls and roof ensures steady warmth within - even on the edges – so decomposition extinguishes unwanted seed and disease-bearing germs.
In organic farming too, fertiliser is the key factor for healthy plant
growth. However, organic farmers use only organic fertilisers,
not chemicals. Compost is the best source of plant nutrients, and
it’s free to boot! However, it must have a balanced makeup and
decompose under optimal conditions.
The HANDY Thermo-Composter® creates these conditions like
no other, thanks to its air-sandwich insulation. To assure proper
texture, all woody garden waste must be shredded to the same
consistency and thoroughly mixed with moist fresh material
such as lawn clippings and kitchen waste.
Then sprinkle Bio-Composter flakes over it and loosely fill in the
Activated with microorganisms
To swiftly convert organic waste into fresh compost, the first hot phase is crucial. By mixing in Bio-Composter flakes warm decomposition sets in abruptly and rather more intensely than if we dispensed with the use of these microorganisms.
One of the many advantages of quick composting is that the compost scarcely loses nutrients, in contrast to conventional compost heaps, which require months to decompose.